1007 Bucknell, Arlington, TX 76012. 817-265-2820. Fax 817-265-2571. mwbenson@aol.com

Improving Reading Speed and Comprehension

Success in business often depends upon your proficiency in reading, understanding, remembering, and acting on an endless stream of information.

Most people today are faced with an overwhelming amount of information from periodicals, books, reports, Internet research, e-mails, etc.

You will learn how to:

  1. Break the old reading habits that slow you down.
  2. Tune out distractions and overcome the habit of sounding out the words in your mind.
  3. Soak up groups of words instead of reading one word at a time.
  4. Use a variety of hand motions to increase your reading speed and remember more of what you have read.
  5. Skim reading material to obtain an overview of content, to pick up the most significant details, to search for specific information, and to determine if you need to read every word for further details.
  6. Improve your reading efficiency by developing strategies for all types of reading material, including technical material.

Many participants are able to double their reading speed while maintaining 70% or higher comprehension.

1007 Bucknell
Arlington, TX 76012
Fax 817-265-2571